Financial Soothsayers’ Forecasts Fell Short For 2024

Financial Soothsayers’ Forecasts Fell Short For 2024 Paul K. Fain, III, CFP®   Let’s have a little fun at someone else’s expense. What do fortune-tellers, tea leaves and Ouija boards have in common? Their predictions are more accurate than Wall Street forecasts. As one financial writer puts it, “Annual stock market forecasts are a sad,…

Financial Folly or Just Bad Luck?

Financial Folly or Just Bad Luck? Paul Fain, CFP® Let’s face it, we all make mistakes. What are some common financial planning mistakes? To name a few: Overspending. Underestimating life expectancy. Neglecting to develop an eldercare plan. Underestimating the impact of inflation. Buying annuities without understanding them. Underinsuring the risk of disability. Investing too conservatively…

What Is an Investment Anyway?

What Is an Investment Anyway? Paul Fain, CFP® According to Investopedia, “An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation.” You can invest in a business, stocks, bonds, real estate, oil, cash, crops and more. Fundamental investments are oriented around ownership (stock), lending (bonds), and cash equivalents (money…