Social Security, Open Enrollment, and the Stock Market

Social Security, Open Enrollment, and the Stock Market – Paul Fain, Knoxville Certified Financial Planner and President of Asset Planning Corporation, has a grab bag of current events and news affecting your finances this week on WBIR’s Sunday Money. WHAT IS MAKING HEADLINES RIGHT NOW? Social Security announced a Cost Of Living Adjustment: 1.6% benefit…

Will Eliminating Some Trading Commissions Affect the Brokerage Industry?

Brokerage giant Charles Schwab & Company may have just changed access to the stock market forever. The giant custodian just announced that it was eliminating all trading commissions on stocks and Exchange-Traded Funds also known as ETF’s. Is this as good as it sounds for YOUR money? Paul Fain, Knoxville Certified Financial Planner and President…

How Do I Declutter My Finances? Keep, Pitch, or Consolidate?

Decluttering is certainly a popular concept these days. So why not go all “Marie Kondo” on your finances? What should you keep, pitch, or consolidate? Paul Fain, Knoxville Certified Financial Planner and President of Asset Planning Corporation, has some tips for how to declutter your finances this week on WBIR’s Sunday Money. THE STUFF JUST…

digital age

WBIR: The Digital Age

Digital assets, or an individual’s online personal and financial records, need to be an essential part of your estate plan. Here are some planning pointers that most people have not considered.   WE ARE REALLY MOVING INTO THE DIGITAL AGE WITH OUR FINANCES. As technology continues to develop, our daily activities increasingly rely on digital…