CARES Act Economic Impact Payments: Great Expectations

One of the provisions of the CARES Act signed into law last month that has received the most press is the economic impact payments. These payments, also referred to as stimulus checks or recovery rebates, are desperately needed by many individuals at this time and are estimated to eventually reach over 90% of taxpayers. But…

How The CARES Act Will Impact Retirement Plan Distributions

Opportunity Alert! The CARES Act impact on retirement plan distributions in 2020   Are you planning on a retirement account distribution this year? Whether you had planned on required distributions but wish you could leave funds alone, or you now need a distribution to make financial ends meet, the CARES Act has some very important…

What do we really know about the financial markets anyway?

Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing, reminds us to “forget about what the stock market is going to do. Instead, focus on what you, as an investor, ought to do…”   So what do we really know about the financial markets?   First, what we don’t know:   The full global economic and market…

Financial Changes To Consider When You Have Kids

Expecting a new child is certainly a life-changing event. Along with the excitement and blessings of family, that new life has important financial implications. Certified financial planner Suzanne Himes, with Asset Planning Corporation, is here to discuss some of the changes that growing families should consider.      SUZANNE, THIS REALLY IS A SIGNIFICANT…