How to Choose An Executor For Your Will

According to surveys, more than half of American adults don’t have a Last Will and Testament. While the reasons for this vary, one stumbling block can be choosing an executor. Suzanne Himes, lead financial planner at Asset Planning Corporation, joins us with what to consider in selecting someone for this important role.     …

What You Need To Know About FICO Scores

Fair Isaac Corp, commonly known as FICO, recently announced that a new version of their credit scoring model will be available later this year. FICO scores are used by 90% of lenders to assess an individual’s credit risk.  Certified financial planner Suzanne Himes, with Asset Planning Corporation, is here with more information on this important…

Financial Planning After A Pay Raise

It’s a popular time of year for annual job performance reviews and corresponding pay raises. Along with celebrating this good news, it’s wise to think about how that increase in income can impact multiple financial decisions. Certified financial planner Suzanne Himes, with Asset Planning Corporation, has some of the changes to consider when our paychecks…

ABLE Accounts

Most of us realize that personal savings are important for our financial stability. Along with traditional bank and investment accounts, there are also some specialized opportunities to save and invest and one example is the ABLE account. Suzanne Himes, lead financial planner at Asset Planning Corporation, is here to help explain how ABLE accounts work…

Giving Responsibly

The holidays are a season of giving and for most charities this is their primary fundraising period for the year. With so many worthy causes, how can you create a responsible giving strategy for your financial plan? Paul Fain, President of Asset Planning Corporation, discusses some financially stable ways to give this holiday season.  …